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Reports > 2021 > September > Tuesday 28
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I was lucky enough to help my mother in-law celebrate her 80th birthday over the weekend at an airbnb in Moses Lake. I asked Kathy what the biggest thing she's learned in her 8-decades walking this earth and she said "respect for others." Sunday morning I grabbed my fishing rod and tackle box and headed down to the dock to see what would bite. My wife snapped a photo of me you can see on our Facebook page. Upon me returning empty handed, she asked what I was thinking while I was casting one time after another. Interesting question. I told her I was thinking about a lot of things, and nothing at the same time. I don't know about you, but fishing is extremely cathartic for me. It allows me to relax and unwind and coast mentally for a while. As I tie on a lure or flick my wrist on a cast, I could be thinking about where the fish are or what lure I could use. Or I might be planning my next move, either in life or just that moment. To fish is either to think, or not. Until next time, Good Fishing!