Hi, I'm Dave Graybill, the Fishin' Magician!
I recently traveled to Olympia and met with Representatives Brad Hawkins (middle) and Cary Condotta. I provided them with current information about the Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead Endorsement program. Senator Parlette was in committee at the time, but was the sponsor of the bill that made it all possible.
Here you will find current information on fishing in Central Washington State.
I grew up in Central Washington and began writing about the outdoors in the mid 70s. I began broadcasting report on outdoor recreation on KOZI Radio in Lake Chelan in 1991. My reports are now carried on several radio stations and many newspapers in Washington. The reports give what’s happening and how-to information on fishing for bass, perch, walleye, trout, kokanee, salmon, steelhead and other species.