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Reports > 2019 > December > Monday 09
Monday, December 9, 2019
By Dave Graybill
Well, Tom Verschueren and I fished Rufus Woods at Brandts Landing on Rufus Woods last Friday. We used our tried and true marshmallow and shrimp combos on most of our rods, but I did bait one with Power Bait. Apparently it didn’t matter what we put out there, the fish didn’t touch any of our baits over the two hours we tried out luck. I happened to see an owl sitting in a tree near one of the last fishing areas that was occupied by an angler. When I stopped the truck the angler in that spot was trotting up the road and waving. He had lost a big one. The fish was coming into shore, but a one point just wouldn’t come any closer and started thrashing on the surface. With a powerful shake of its head the leader parted. As we approached the turnoff to the launch above the dam and the fishing access near the debris basin I saw pickup in the parking area and decided to stop. When we pulled up we were met by a smiling angler who was happy to show us his stringer, and on it was hanging a triploid that weighed 7.3 pounds.
Howie Diksen of Bridgeport shows off his 7.3-pound triploid.