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Reports > 2017 > October > Thursday 05
Thursday, October 5, 2017
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I know I'm supposed to only talk about fishing here, but I find it difficult when the countdown is on. What countdown? We're in the home stretch, the final days until deer and duck hunting season opens. For many like me, October 14th has been circled on the calendar since before the game pamphlets came out. For some, October 14th is the hopeful culmination of months of preparation; planning; exercise; scouting; hours at the gun range; placing, retrieving and reviewing trail cam images; and scheming for the perfect, opening morning hunt. For others, October 14th is the hope for a brisk wind and the whistle of wing-tips flapping in a flare as a flock of green heads circle their decoys. Any way you cut it, it's my favorite time of year! Some of my first memories are of hunting with my Dad and learning how to track deer and tell if the sign was fresh. I remember riding on his shoulders out to his duck blind while our black lab Cinder plunged through the mirky water. It's a place where I was truly born and where I hope to die. Until next time, Good Hunting!