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Reports > 2017 > October > Friday 20
Friday, October 20, 2017
By Dave Graybill
My plan was to drive up to Rufus Woods, so some fishing for triploids, and check out the progress on the improvements to the designated fishing area at the upper net pens. Well, I first stopped at Coulee Dam and visited with Peggy Nevismal at the Chamber of Commerce. The chamber sponsors the Banks Lake Triple Fish Challenge, and I was glad to see that she is already making plans for next year’s event. Since I was in the area I called Randy Friedlander, Director of Colville Tribal Fish and Wildlife, to see if I could drop by for a visit. He was in and suggested that we both go down to the fishing area and see how things were progressing. This is a joint project by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Colville Tribe. When we arrived I was amazed by what I saw. There was a new paved road into the site, and construction was being done on at least 30 full RV hook up pads. Another area was being prepared for tent camping. There were two new big restrooms with showers and other improvements underway. There is also a boat ramp to be built. Weather allowing, this should all be done sometime this fall or winter. I didn’t get to do any fishing, but I sure look forward to using this new site.