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Reports > 2023 > September > Wednesday 27
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
By Dave Graybill
Since I wasn’t going to be able to fish on Tuesday I thought I would look for fish and maybe see some anyway. I had hoped that the recent rain we had here in the upper Valley would draw some coho into the Icicle. I stopped at a couple of places where I could see them rolling if they were in the river, but no luck and no evidence that they had arrived. When I last checked the fish counts about 6,000 coho have passed over Rock Island Dam and only 2,000 over Rocky Reach, so there could be a significant number of them in the Wenatchee River. I guess they are waiting for more water in the Icicle before they make their move. I will continue to keep an eye out for them. Another place I like to go to “salmon watch” is in the Tumwater. There’s a tailout and a deep hole below the bridge at the old Tumwater Campground where they will stack up, and sure enough I found a bunch of kings in there. There is a pullout just below where I look for fish on the right hand side of the road on the way up the canyon, and a short walk to where I can see them. It’s quite a sight and I love to watch them roll and jump in the hole.