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Reports > 2022 > September > Wednesday 21
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
By Dave Graybill
Here’s some good news for anglers that are fishing for fall kings on the Hanford Reach or plan to this season. Close to 53,000 fall Chinook are on their way to the Reach and this is 17 percent higher than the pre-season forecast. It appears that there will be plenty of wild fish for escapement and the sport fishery should continue through the scheduled season. The best fishing of the season typically is right now through the season’s end. Another item of interest about this year is that a very good number of four- and five-year old fish are included in the return, so some real hogs could be taken. Anglers are also adding coho to their catches. I know anglers are having good success trolling Super Baits, either up or down stream, and I hope that they are saving some eggs from these catches. Often the king bite will switch to an egg bite and it is a good idea to have a good supply hand. I have had some great days back-trolling eggs in a couple of spots not far below Priest Rapids Dam. I have also caught some of my biggest kings back-trolling herring.
This is one of the first king I landed fishing below Priest Rapids Dam many years ago.