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Reports > 2021 > December > Wednesday 22
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
By Dave Graybill
I wanted to let everyone know that I have recently completed and sent out the Winter issue of the free Fishing Magician E-Letter. I am getting a lot of positive feedback and compliments on the content. The Winter issue has eleven pages of information. There are two feature stories. One on fishing Rufus Woods Reservoir, and the terrific fishing for big triploid rainbow trout. The other is on Lake Roosevelt and the fishing for giant kokanee and the great fishing for rainbow trout throughout the winter months. These features are highly detailed and include maps and photographs that describe where to go on these two big reservoirs, and how to fish them. As usual, I give subscribers my top ten Prospects for Fishing in the winter. I added in this issue my Top Ten Ice Fishing Prospects. These two items give anglers plenty of options to keep them busy in the winter. If you aren’t getting the free E-Letter, it’s easy to be added to the e-mail list. Just go to my web site at www.fishingmagician,com, and click on the free E-Letter button at the top left hand side of the Home Page. I will be sure to get the Winter off to you right away.
The Winter issue of the Fishing Magician E-Letter for Winter is out. Make sure you get a free copy!