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Reports > 2021 > December > Tuesday 08
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For I'm Eric Granstrom. Warning. Fishing kokanee at Lake Roosevelt can become addictive. These fish hit with such ferocity and can be so big, it will be hard not to be consumed with planning your next trip. It should also be said that if you head for Lake Roosevelt with the thought of targeting kokanee in mind, you need to carefully map out your gear. Unfortunately for me, the first time I really went after kokanee on Lake Roosevelt, I was not prepared. Before launching at Spring Canyon, I had the happy accident of bumping into Del Barber, a kokanee-nut who is well aware of the addictive nature of these fish on Lake Roosevelt. He took the time to tell me exactly where to go, what color to use and where to set my downriggers. The first three fish that hit our bait snapped the lines off. I spent that night in the hotel re-tying all my rigs with heavier leader. You see, I went there armed with the same kokanee gear I use in Lake Chelan. Don't do that. You'd better bring your gear you use for sockeye. I'll warn you again, this fishery is addictive. Until next time, Good Fishing!