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Reports > 2021 > December > Thursday 16
Thursday, December 16, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For I'm Eric Granstrom. What's your dream fish? You know, a fish you always wanted to go after but haven't yet. I've been lucky enough to catch a lot of fish here in the Northwest but haven't fished abroad. Well, I take that back. While in Jamaica in 2006 I went on a charter and fished tuna and marlin. We only caught baby tuna that day as you'll see in the photo on our Facebook page. I'm curious in your eyes, what's the best fish you've ever caught? For many anglers NOT from the west coast, king salmon are the ultimate prize. Is it fly fishing tarpon off the Florida Keys? Is it chasing marlin near the equator? Or is it catching a rooster fish off the coast of South America? I'm starting to let my mind wander to adventures I could never imagine before. I'm getting to an age in my life where a bucket list is beginning to form. Is there any thrill bigger than catching a 14-foot sturgeon? How can you beat the sizzling reel while hooked into a salty Coho? Pound-for-pound, how do you beat a smallmouth bass? You tell me. Until next time, Good Fishing!