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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > December > Friday 24
Friday, December 24, 2021
By Dave Graybill
I have made several trips to the middle net pens on Rufus Woods already this winter, and usually have had great success. On my most recent trip I met Nolan Adolph, who is with the Colville Tribe’s Parks and Recreation Department. He manages, among other things, the RV Park and Campground at the middle pens. I learned a few things that will be of interest to anglers who have planned to visit this site. First of all, the RV hook ups will have power and water throughout the winter season. The tribal web site mentions that there may not be these services available, but Nolan told me that they are working. Also, the tribal web site indicates that the Access Pass that is required to use this site says that it is an annual pass and would expire in April. However, knowing that Rufus Woods is so popular in the winter, this has been changed. The annual Access Pass is good for 12 months from the date of purchase. This is good news for those who have been on the fence about getting the Access Pass and using the RV Park and Campground and the excellent launch. There is a $10.00 launch fee to put you boat in the water here and can be obtained on-line.
This is the new boat ramp at the RV Park and Campground at the middle net pens.