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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2020 > April > Tuesday 14
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I've seen and heard of folks trying to organize a rush to boat launches and waterways to go fishing in defiance of the state's shutdown of fishing until at least May 4th. Don't do it. I understand the frustration and seemingly counter intuitive prospective of not allowing fishing while allowing the crowds of people at grocery stores and home improvement warehouses. I also commiserate with you over losing the ability to crank up my calls and do some turkey hunting tomorrow. But all you'll do by storming the waters and boat launches is put Department of Fish and Wildlife employees at risk when all they're doing is following commands from the higher-ups. In the process, you may also be extending the closure past May 4th. If it's about subsistence and the "right" to hunt or fish to provide for your family, I understand your angst. I don't think the powers that be would come down hard on someone who's truly in a bind, financially strapped and that stringer of fish may be their family's only meal. Just don't holler about it on social media. In the meantime, let's wait until May 4th. Until next time, Stay Healthy!