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Reports > 2020 > April > Thursday 23
Thursday, April 23, 2020
By Dave Graybill
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. The moment was at hand. All my Dad's stories from the past three years of his experience turkey hunting were rushing into my mind. It was the first morning of my first turkey hunt. Dad sat 20-yards behind me, making hen noises trying to lure the tom before me. I was awkwardly sitting next to a pine tree. I must have made the base of that pine look like a garter snake trying to swallow a chicken egg. The pine was only a foot in diameter. My right clavicle was trying to negotiate a comfortable space in the bark as the tom began strutting closer. My left knee was raised with my left hand resting on top of it, holding my .12 gauge Remington model 870 at the ready. The fiber optic site pin atop the barrel shown like a spotlight in the dim, morning daylight. I steadied my aim, pointing at the gobbler's head. I fired. The turkey turned, bowed, and strutted off into the forest. I could hear laughing behind me. Dad simply said, "too far!" My first turkey hunting lesson...they need to be much closer . Until next time, Stay Healthy!