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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2014 > December > Monday 15
Monday, December 15, 2014
By Dave Graybill
The weather in our region is conspiring to spoil even the most ardent of outdoors people’s ambition to get outside. We finally got some snow here in Leavenworth and then all the rain pretty much washed it away. I have been eager to try for steelhead on the Wenatchee River and it had dropped to a point that made me consider it fishable. Then more rain and now I will be waiting for a while longer. When I was in Moses Lake recently I saw that there was a thin sheet of ice on the lake, but I am sure that is now all gone away. I get e-mails this time of year asking about the ice on Fish Lake, near Lake Wenatchee. The ice is completely gone right now. There is an easy way to check on conditions at this popular winter lake. Just go to They have a web cam on Fish Lake that is updated daily. This is a very easy way to see if there is ice on the lake, and even if people are out ice fishing on it. The best bet in our region right now is steelhead fishing on the upper Columbia River, near Pateros and Bridgeport.