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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2025 > January > Tuesday 14
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
By Dave Graybill
Last Saturday was a bright sunny day in Leavenworth, so I decided to take a drive up to Fish Lake to check on the ice conditions. Just the scenery on the drive through Tumwater Canyon made the trip worthwhile. I was surprised when two of the three vehicles that were ahead of me turned off at the road leading to the Cove Resort and Fish Lake. Both vehicles were loaded with families that were out looking for some winter fun. I joined them on the dock as we scanned the lake and decided it would be a while before anyone would consider stepping out on the ice. I could see that there were no holes drilled in the ice near the dock, and it looked like there was still large areas where the ice was either very thin or that there was water on top of it. I was shocked that the temperature in my truck read 40 degrees when I arrived at Fish Lake, and when I looked at the forecast for the coming week it indicated that 40-degree weather will be common. Fans of fishing through the ice at Fish Lake are going to have to wait a few weeks.