Calling all fly fishermen, the annual Fly Fishing Show in Bellevue is coming up on February 15th and 16th. This is the only one of its kind in Washington State, and they bring out the celebrities of the sport for the show. Expect to many fly fishing and fly-tying experts at the show again. There is a long list of seminars by these folks, and there will be fly casting demonstrations and classes at the event. This is where you will find the new products that have been developed for fly fishing and learn all about them. The International Fly Fishing Film Festival is on Saturday, and this is always a huge hit. Seeing the kinds fishing for a wide range of species at exotic destinations really gets the juices flowing for a trip like this. Log onto to learn all about it. Speaking of fly fishing, I have been checking the weather forecasts for Soap Lake regularly, hoping to see temperatures above freezing so I can make a trip to Rocky Ford Creek. I know there haven't been many days this winter to allow for casting a fly line here, so the fishing should be great.