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Reports > 2022 > January > Friday 07
Friday, January 7, 2022
By Dave Graybill
I had plans to travel to Moses Lake on Thursday. I had a meeting scheduled and if I had the time I wanted to test some new gear. I got an adapter for my ice auger that works with a battery-powered drill. I got a really heavy duty, and I mean 24-volt, drill, and a long-life battery to go with it. I was so excited about how this was going to work I was going to try it out on Moses Lake or near a friend’s house while I was down there. Well, like so many others with travel plans, the snowstorm intervened. I think we got close to four feet of snow here in Leavenworth. Even with the help of my two neighbor girls, it took about three hours to clear our sidewalks and dig out our vehicles. I made a run to our local grocery store, without any problem, but getting home was different. There were people clearing the snow off their vehicles in the middle of the road and stuck everywhere. It may be a while before I can get a chance to see how my new ice fishing drill works. I can’t wait to give it a try!
This is the drill and adapter I am so anxious to try