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Reports > 2021 > June > Wednesday 16
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
By Dave Graybill
It occurred to me that I had not shared what happened on my trip to Potholes Reservoir. I met my buddy James Lebow and his friend Ryan Harris at the launch at 7 last Friday. We fished for over two hours with nothing to show for our efforts and wanted a change for the better. We passed a boat with two anglers that were trolling very close to the weedy edges of the islands west of Crab Creek. Maybe they knew something, and the walleye just hadn’t started biting yet. James expertly maneuvered the boat around these islands, managing to keep us from hanging up in the weeds. We were only in about 9 to 13 feet of water for the most part and guess what. That’s where the walleye were hiding, and when they decided to bite it was game on! I had to watch James and Ryan land fish after fish for quite a while. Finally, I happened onto an orange colored blade of all things, and that worked. Now we were all catching fish and had 24 keepers in the boat at 1:30. They ranged in size from 14 to 23 inches.
James Lebow is on the left and Ryan Harris in the middle with our catch of walleye from Potholes Reservoir.