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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2018 > June > Thursday 21
Thursday, June 21, 2018
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Marion and I planned to do some walleye fishing on Moses Lake over the weekend, but the boat engine had other plans. So we returned to the launch and I suggested we head down to Potholes to scout out some camping spots. After a short drive south on SR-17 and Road M SE and Road 6 SE, we turned when we saw a "Public Fishing" sign. We wound our way along a corn field and found a cool spot with plenty of camping and beaches where we could easily launch the boat. Turns out we were on the northern side of the Lind Coulee across from O'Sullivan Dam. We set up the truck tent and decided to take a nap only to be awakened an hour or so later by a crack and a boom outside. I lurched up to see one heck of a storm. The tree above us was being whipped by strong winds and lightning struck all around. Then the rains came and, thankfully, the tent kept us dry. I played with the foot pedal for the bowmount the next day to no avail. So, our fishing weekend became a camping weekend, but it was still a great adventure. Until next time, Good Fishing!