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Reports > 2014 > September > Friday 12
Friday, September 12, 2014
By Dave Graybill
No wonder anglers are getting excited about the fall salmon run. The other day almost 70,000 fish came over Bonneville Dam—that’s just in one day and they are just starting to come our way. The other reason is that there is no wild fish release required in the fall fishing season in the Hanford Reach. Anglers may keep six fish, three of which may be adults, clipped or not. Last year the return was estimated at 900,000 and the fishing was off the charts good. This year as many as 1.2 million fall Chinook are projected to come up the Columbia River, so you can imagine what the action will be like this season. I hope you are ready. I would get to your local sporting goods store and stock up on what you need. Tackle is going to fly off the shelves and you don’t want to run out. I would also suggest that you take a look at the How to Cure Salmon Eggs video on my How To Fishing TV Page. Eggs are the hot ticket in this fishery and Shane Magnuson gives you step by step instructions on how to prepare eggs for fishing for fall kings.