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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2014 > May > Wednesday 21
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
By Dave Graybill
I had heard that the walleye bite had really taken off at Moses Lake, so I called my buddy Brian Nielson at BJs Guide Service and arranged to meet him on one of his free days to give it a try. We met at Connelly Park and our fishing buddy James LeBow was able to come along, too. We first fished the flat just north of the park and put a few fish in the live well and then moved further north on the lake. This was my idea and it was a bust. Nielson suggested that we try a point back toward the launch, and assured us it would be worth a try. Boy, was it ever. We found a bunch of fish in the shallows here and put fish after fish in the live well. We were using a two ounce bottom walker with a three foot leader. On the business end was a Slow Death Hook with a green Smile Blade. This has been a favorite on Potholes this spring and it is hot on Moses Lake, too. Most of the fish were over the 12-inch minimum and we got one that was a 20-incher. We had our limits before 1 o’clock.