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Reports > 2012 > October > Wednesday 17
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
By Dave Graybill
The upper Columbia and several other rivers opened to steelhead fishing yesterday, and put an end to the waiting for the announcement. The Similkameen will open on November 1st. There was no split season, but the potential for early closure included in the release from the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The rain we received in recent days will help raise the levels of our trickling streams and will also help move fish into the tributaries. The daily limit is two fish per day this year, and all tagged fish or fish with holes punched in their tails must be released in addition to all adipose present steelhead. There will be big crowds of anglers near the mouths of most of our tributaries in the early season, and then, as fish move further up, anglers will be fishing water up stream. Light leaders will be the rule with the low and clear conditions, along with small jigs. Bait is allowed only on the main stem Columbia. All rivers require selective gear, meaning barbless, single hooks. For fishing boundaries and other information to the WDFW web site and read the details of the release. I want to remind anglers that the steelhead season is made possible largely due to Salmon/Steelhead Endorsement Stamp funding.