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Reports > 2012 > October > Monday 08
Monday, October 8, 2012
By Dave Graybill
This year’s steelhead season should open sometime the second week of the month to the middle of the month, according to Jeff Korth, Fish Manager for the Department of Fish and Wildlife in Region 2. We have seen the fish counts over Priest Rapids Dam pass the 15,000 fish mark already and there are more on the way. This should make for a good season. He said they will probably have another split season this year. It will most likely close at the end of November, and after an analysis of the wild fish take and hatchery fish numbers reopen in February. Timing is good then for the free steelhead fishing seminar at Town Ford in East Wenatchee. Once again Shane Magnuson will be there to give everyone a highly detailed description of how to catch steelhead on a bobber and jig. He shows exactly how to rig in a step by step approach. I have also asked him to spend some time on how to fish a Corkie and yarn and other methods of catching steelhead on the Columbia River and the tributaries. The seminar will take place on Wednesday, October 17th and begin at 6 p.m. Town Ford is located in East Wenatchee across from Costco.