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Reports > 2008 > October > Monday 06
Monday, October 6, 2008
By Dave Graybill
Here’s an item that you don’t often see in my reports. Gardening advice! I was approached recently by Bonnie Orr, known as the Dirt Diva on KKRV Radio in Wenatchee. As a Master Gardener she knows her dirt, grass, trees, etc. She wanted me to share with listeners and readers that people are using way too many phosphates in their winter fertilizers. High phosphate content in a fertilizer isn’t necessary in our region. It occurs naturally. Phosphates wind up in our waste water and eventually in our rivers and streams and that is not a good thing. Nitrogen levels of ten percent or less are fine; dump the phosphates, for the good of your lawn and our fish! There is some great programming coming up for steelhead anglers on local cable channels. Charter (channel 19) and Local Tel (channel 12) will be airing a series of seminars on steelhead fishing on the Outdoor Insider at noon on Mondays and Thursdays. In the Columbia Basin, tune to ComCast’s channel 3 to get the same series on Thursday at 7 p.m. and Saturday mornings at 7:30. These programs feature local experts on both gear and fly fishing the Methow, Wenatchee and upper Columbia rivers.