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Reports > 2015 > December > Wednesday 23
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
By Dave Graybill
Remember that trip I made to Lake Roosevelt a week or so ago? We got a bunch of rainbow, and only one kokanee. Well, Austin Moser and Daniel Booth went out the next day and did much better on the kokanee. He launched at Keller and ran down rather than run up from Spring Canyon. They limited on kokanee to 21 inches and close to limits on rainbow. One of the trout was 25 inches long! They did okay on the downriggers, running them shallow, never deeper than 24 feet. The side planers were working much better on this particular day. He got his kokanee on the planers and some rainbow. He got some fish on the little orange Rapala, but did even better with the Flicker Shad lures. He did get some fish on a K-Fly style lure that someone gave him when we were up there last time, too. It has been tough to plan a trip up to Lake Roosevelt, with all the snow we’ve been getting. You can be sure guys like Moser are watching for the weather to clear up enough to make the drive to Roosevelt. The fishing is good now and going to get even better as we move into January.