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Reports > 2023 > August > Thursday 17
Thursday, August 17, 2023
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Shortly after meeting the woman I'm lucky enough to now call my wife, she taught me a lesson. Marion has this theory regarding asking for something. She says, "Look, you already have a no answer. If you don't ask, it's no. But if you ask, it COULD be a yes!" This has come to roost several times in our relationship where I would normally never ask for help, or a favor, or anything else. I'm from the school of thought that I need to buck up and figure it out myself. Which usually results in much more work and hardship. This week was another example. I approached a person I sort of know through various events and projects and asked if he had access to elk antlers we could borrow as a backdrop for my sister's wedding we're hosting in our backyard in a couple weekends. He answered with, "I'm your man! What do you need?" I met with Matt Gutzwiler on Tuesday this week and he lent me this incredible 7x7 elk antlers that were harvested by his grandfather decades ago. If you never ask, no is always the answer. Until next time, Good Fishing!