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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2018 > June > Thursday 28
Thursday, June 28, 2018
By Dave Graybill
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. The July 1st opener for salmon fishing on the Upper Columbia River is Sunday, and if you've been watching the dam counts, things look promising. At least for the opener. As of two days ago, 14,372 chinook salmon had been counted over Rock Island Dam. 1,672 of those just in the last week. If you look further downstream at Bonneville Dam, Tuesday was the first down day they've had in quite some time. That means anglers hitting the Upper Columbia should have good stocks for at least the first week to fish on. We'll see after that. Also, the number of sockeye coming up-river have surprised a lot of people as opposed to the forecast. As of Tuesday this week, over 112,000 sockeye have been counted at Bonneville. In our region, the count at Rock Island is 11,416 and 7,131 at Rocky Reach Dam. Deductive reasoning says many of those sockeye are hanging a left and heading up the Wenatchee River to Lake Wenatchee. Will we see a fishery on sockeye? That remains to be seen. But so far, the numbers are looking up. Until next time, Good Fishing!