Very busy three days to finish a busy week. Last Friday I went back to Lake Chelan, to see if I could find more kokanee than I did on the previous Monday. I started near Lakeside again and trolled and trolled and landed one big kokanee and lost a couple more. I then drove up to a spot below Rocky Point and started looking again. I spotted a school of fish at about 60 feet down and quickly dropped my riggers to that depth. Bing Bang Boom. Almost a triple! Then nothing. I looked all over and decided to head home before noon. The Kokabow gear I was running worked just fine, when I found fish. I will be back and hopefully more fish will show up in the lower basin on Chelan. I spent Friday evening with the folks from the State Trout Unlimited meeting, and joined them again the following morning. Great work being done by these people. They deserve a big thanks for their efforts. Sunday I was at the Kids Fishing Day at Beehive Reservoir. Wonderful seeing kids catch their first fish. Thank you Department of Fish and Wildlife and other agencies and Hooked on Toys for making this happen.