Here’s some good news for anglers in Central Washington. The sockeye return over Bonneville Dam is stronger than anticipated, and there will be a season this year. The original forecast for sockeye this year was 99,000, but it has been upgraded to over 200,000. That means that starting on July 1st salmon anglers fishing above Priest Rapids Dam will be able to keep two hatchery adult Chinook and two sockeye. Jacks may also be kept for a total of six fish per day. This rule will apply from above Priest Rapids Dam to Chief Joseph dam, with the exception of the area above Wells Dam that opens to salmon fishing July 16th. It is too early to tell if this means that there will be a sockeye season on Lake Wenatchee. Roughly 25 percent of the sockeye that come over Bonneville Dam are headed for Lake Wenatchee. A minimum of 23,000 are needed to reach the lake to sustain the run. We will have to wait and see how many sockeye pass over Tumwater Dam know if there are enough excess fish for season. So dig out your sockeye gear and get ready for an even better than expected salmon season.