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Reports > 2018 > June > Monday 04
Monday, June 4, 2018
By Dave Graybill
My brother in law Tom Verschuren has been with me on many fishing adventures in the region, but had never caught a walleye. So off we went to Banks Lake last Saturday. We started of from the launch at the Million Dollar Mile and dropped out bottom walkers to the bottom near here. He had his first walleye in the boat less than five minutes. We tried trolling Flicker Shads and Shad Raps on side planers along the shore and could only catch smallmouth. This was fun but not what we were after. I ran up to Barker Flats and joined a bunch of boats trolling here. He had a walleye in the boat before I could get my bottom walker to the bottom. The walleye loved the Dutch Fork Blue Tiger Shell Back spinner on a worm harness. We had ten in the boat by noon. The bite slowed and we missed a lot of fish, but still had our 16 fish in the cooler by 2 ‘o clock. The fish were small, but my wife and I enjoyed fresh walleye tacos for dinner and they were great!