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Reports > 2023 > October > Tuesday 31
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. The movie Jaws came out in 1975. I was an un-ripened 7-years old then. It freaked me out. As it did anyone who went around the water back then. Flash forward to the summer when I was 8. We spent time at Art Thompson's place up at Cain Lake. He had this old, wooden dock that reached out about 30-feet from shore. There was a rickety, wood slide next to it that had been bleached by the sun so much half the fiberglass paint had peeled off. Art would run a hose down the splintered surface and encourage us to "slide down." You'd hit the water with shards of paint and fiberglass piercing your backside. The dock was also choked with lily pads. Occasionally we'd see movement through the water that stirred the pads along the surface. It was big. Something sinister was lurking in the depths. You could just hear the "duh-DUMP" of the Jaws music in your head. Once, I felt something touch my foot and went screaming for my mom. I'm sure it was just a bass. But I'd swear it was a Great White. Until next time, Good Fishing!