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Reports > 2022 > April > Wednesday 27
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
By Dave Graybill
Austin Moser is winding down his fishing season on Rufus Woods Reservoir, and he invited me to join a crew of anglers to shoot a video on how to fish for walleye at the upper end of the big impoundment. He has been launching at the Colville Net Pens site at the middle net pens, and then making the short run up to the Nespelem Bar. He has enjoyed tremendous success catching walleye, and he says it was a learning process. What he has been doing mostly is jig for walleye on certain spots he has found on the large bar, which is across from the upper most net pens. There were four anglers on the boat, and I was busy shooting video. We landed 18 keepers and released five or six that were over 22 inches. There was very little flow, which always makes fishing on the river a challenge. Austin was still able to keep us busy. This may have been the last trip this season Austin will make to Rufus Woods for walleye. He will be moving his focus to Moses Lake. You can watch a video of him fishing Moses Lake last spring on my YouTube channel, and I will be editing this latest video and will let you know when it will be post to my channel.