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Reports > 2022 > April > Wednesday 06
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
By Dave Graybill
If you read my column in this week’s Spokane Exchange newspaper you will know that the Spring issue of my free E-Letter has been sent out. I dedicated this issue of the E-Letter to all those who are fishing from the shore. There are several tips and tricks described in this issue, along with lots of photos. These should help make those trips to your favorite lakes more successful. So often I am providing information for those of us who are fortunate to have a boat as a fishing platform, and I don’t spend enough time trying to help that vast majority of folks that are doing what I did for so many years--fishing from shore. I have many wonderful memories of doing this, and as you will see in the E-Letter, I still spend time fishing from shore myself. If you live in the Wenatchee area you don’t have to wait for the opening of the trout season to get the kids out to do some fishing from the shore. The annual Kids Fishing Day at the juvenile-only Pit Pond on Rock Island is coming up on Saturday, April 16th. Come on down and join the fun!
I started this event over 20 years ago and it is still going strong, thanks to the good folks in Rock Island.