You may recall seeing a recent report from Eric Granstrom showing his boat covered with snow. He was at Mar Don Resort and woke up to this surprise. Not that I am trying to compete, but when you live in Leavenworth spring can often come very late. I am trying to get Nic Alexander, one of the organizers of the Banks Lake Triple Fish Challenge, out on Rufus Woods for walleye. We have been trying to get our schedules together for over a year. Seems like something always comes up. This time Mother Nature stepped in to cause the delay. As I stand in my driveway, scratching my head about how to deal with the late snow, it occurred to me that the fish must be wondering what’s going on, too. It seemed like we were well on our way to spring fishing. There were lots of walleye, smallmouth bass and some big rainbow turned in at the Banks Lake Triple Fish Challenge last weekend, and I thought, oh boy, I need to get out on Banks, Moses Lake, or Potholes. Looks like I may want to wait a few days for the weather to settle out. Oh well.
Mother Nature surprised me with a bunch of snow on Tuesday morning.