For I'm Eric Granstrom. The nose knows! Trust your sense of smell when it comes to seafood. Marion bought some "fresh", uncooked shrimp from the grocery store over the weekend and made some skewers to toss on the barbecue. As soon as she opened the package, it smelled heavily of shrimp. I said, "are you sure that's OK?" She said, "I just bought it!" She was so insistent on wanting shrimp skewers on the barbie that I went ahead and cooked them. I took one bite and said "Nope! I'll stick to my steak." Thankfully, I'd also grilled up two New York steaks, which I stuck to while she devoured the shrimp. Sure enough, she was up all night running to the can while I slept peacefully. My grandfather, who owned a fish market in Eugene for years, always said to trust your nose when it came to seafood. If it smells strongly, don't eat it. He said seafood should smell like fresh saltwater. I also trust my nose if I'm thawing out fish I've had in the freezer. Even wild game. I'll remove the blood, wash it and smell. Trust your nose, it's knows! Until next time, Good Fishing!