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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2018 > September > Wednesday 12
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
By Dave Graybill
I have some very fond memories of fishing for salmon this time of year. Not at the Hanford Reach, but below Wells Dam and at Bridgeport. I think the first time I met Eric Granstrom, who is now doing a lot with, was on a trip below Wells. I showed him the ropes on back trolling sardine wrapped plugs for kings and he recorded a segment for his outdoor show on KPQ. We got some good fish and he got some good material for his show. I have introduced many people to the thrill of catching kings below Wells, and right now is a great time to be there. I usually make several trips below Chief Joseph Dam for kings. I have back trolled plugs here before, but the past couple of years I have been trolling Super Baits. Once again, many people that had never caught a king before got a chance to do battle with these big brutes. I release many of the fish as they are wild, but we sure have fun wrestling with them. If you are looking for some fast action this fall before you go to Vernita, give these areas a try.