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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2018 > September > Tuesday 25
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Eggs, it's whats for breakfast. Well, if you're a fall salmon fisherman plying the waters of the Columbia River at Vernita and the Hanford Reach, it's whats for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I was first exposed to using salmon eggs while fishing for trout at Lake Shannon in Skagit County. Shannon is on the Baker River and was formed by the Lower Baker Dam in the 1920's. It's a great fishery for kokanee, but also brook trout and cutthroat. We'd use a lone Pautzke egg under a bobber. The bite was so light you would barely see the bobber move. I think Dad gave us the bobbers just to keep us occupied watching something other than the tip of our pole because we were the only ones using bobbers. I flashed back to that while fishing for all Chinook on the lower Columbia using the hover fishing technique. We'd fish an egg cluster and a drop weight and idle the boat in the current to stay right above our bait. Again, the bit was very light. Shane Magnuson has a great way to cure eggs and for those on Facebook, I've provided a link to a video we produced. Until next time, Good Fishing!