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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2018 > September > Wednesday 05
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
By Dave Graybill
Many anglers are already planning their trips to the Hanford Reach for fall salmon fishing. The leading edge of the run is coming over Bonneville Dam and some have even passed over Priest Rapids. The pre-season forecast this year is for 200,000 fish entering the Columbia, and at least 100,000 getting to the Reach. Although this is a far cry from the one million we saw returning to the Columbia River a few years ago, that is still a lot of fish. It will be more important to get all your tackle together and make sure everything is in ship shape. You won’t want to lose a fish to old line, a reel malfunction or other issues this year. I would also suggest that you get a copy of Graybill’s Notebook; Hot Spots and Rigging for Vernita Kings” by Rick Graybill. This is the definitive guide to fishing the Reach for fall salmon. In addition to the tried and true methods of fishing for fall kings that Rick developed while guiding on the Reach, there are many very detailed maps of the fishing area. Getting a copy of this notebook and following Rick’s advice will give you an edge for this year’s season. You can get copies of the notebook at Hooked on Toys in Wenatchee.