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Reports > 2018 > November > Wednesday 28
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
By Dave Graybill
This early winter weather is driving me crazy. One day it’s snowing. The next it’s torrential rain. Then the sun comes out. Last week, when I was going to Rufus Woods, I dressed according for the forecast, which was for a mix of rain and snow. It turned out to be sunny and warm. It makes it difficult to plan a trip. Oh well. The next thing I am going to try is fishing at Rocky Ford Creek near Ephrata. I never get enough fly fishing in during the warmer months. Bob Feil Boats provides me with an excellent boat to gather my reports and I use it as much as I can. It’s in the winter that I pick up my fly rod and head for the Ford. The mile-long stretch of stream below the Trout Lodge facility is loaded with big rainbow. Most anglers will be casting Scud patterns below an indicator. This can very effective. I like to throw a combination of a Mini Leech with a Scud dropper, and I like the Ultra Scud, too. I used to do this with an intermediate sinking line, but recently have been sticking with my floating line. It’s easier to cast and seems to get deep enough to reach the big rainbow in the Ford.