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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2018 > November > Tuesday 27
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. It's not often that I come on here and promote someone else's show, but I'm going to do it this time. With the weather getting colder and snow in the surrounding hills, it's the lead-in to that season we all hate. Cabin fever. The world slows down. There's not nearly enough daylight per day to keep a guy happy. And the weather forces you to take stock of old injuries as the damp creeps into your joints and bones. So, what better time than to catch up on some TV time! My wife and I had a rare few down hours last weekend and figured we'd see what was on Netflix. After scanning the ugly offerings of comedies and seasonal movies, I stumbled upon a show called "Meat Eater." It's basically a hunting show shown only on Netflix. Of course, little did I know this show's been around since 2012. The host is Steven Rinella of Twin Lakes, Michigan. I'm already into episode 14 of season 7 and had no idea there were 6 previous season to watch. It's a well-produced mix of hunting and cooking wild game. For those on Facebook, I've included a little teaser. Until next time, Good Fishing!