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Reports > 2018 > March > Tuesday 06
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Kokanee is hot. And I'm not just talking about the fishery on Chelan or Lake Roosevelt. The general topic of kokanee fishing is hot. I was down at the State Basketball tournament over the weekend in Yakima and had four different people come up and either ask about kokanee fishing or tell me about their kokanee fishing experience. Which, by the way, is hot on Lake Chelan. I'm hearing of tons of nice, bright fish being caught anywhere from the State Park, by the Yacht Club all the way up to Mitchell Creek and beyond. So if you have a boat and want to brave some chilly mornings and some brisk winds, now's the time to get out on Lake Chelan. Which is kind of weird. I'm a relative newcomer to this fishery (in the last 10 years) and what guys told me is you don't really start catching kokanee on Chelan until very late March or early April. But I'm hearing people have been catching silvers all winter long! And, even thought the water level is way down in Roosevelt, I'm hearing kokanee fishing is improving with every day. Until next time, Good Fishing!