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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2018 > March > Friday 23
Friday, March 23, 2018
By Dave Graybill
I regularly complain about how spring weather can be a challenge to fishing. One day it’s sunny and warm and the next day it’s cold and threatening to snow. I am going to blame this condition for the tough fishing I had on the Yakima River on Wednesday. Rollie Schmitten and I floated the Farmlands section of the river with Johnny Boitano of the Troutwater Fly Shop in Ellensburg. We have fished with Johnny many times and always had terrific fishing. Not so on Wednesday. Johnny was tearing his hair out and constantly changing our flies trying to find the patterns that would work. I am not saying that we didn’t get some fish and we sure missed some fish that took our indicators down. But when we worked a hole that is usually a sure thing for spring rainbow and we didn’t even get a bump Johnny was at his wit’s end. Don’t get me wrong, we had a great time. It was a real treat to float the river with Rollie and Johnny and I hope we can do it again very soon. No one knows better than the three of us that, Hey that’s fishing. One day can be great and the next not so much.