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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2018 > January > Thursday 25
Thursday, January 25, 2018
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I mentioned Tuesday that Marion and I made a trip to fish and camp at Rufus Woods Reservoir last weekend. We arrived at Brandt's Landing a little after 5 o'clock. Again, we didn't realize you couldn't camp there until we were on our way out Sunday, but found a great spot along the water complete with a fire ring and nice, flat spot to place our cot tent. If you haven't investigated a fun, easy, and small way to pitch a tent, look into them. Ours is a deluxe double from Cabela's and provided ample room and warmth with a sleeping bag and blanket for the night. We knew our first night would be interesting with the amount of deer tracks around and sound of coyotes howling in the distance. Sure enough, we were awakened several times through the night with one wild animal after another, including a coyote barking 50-feet away. The most annoying was a mouse trying to gnaw its way into our supplies. Three feet from our heads, it sounded like a saber-toothed tiger! More on the fishing part of the trip Tuesday. Until next time, Good Fishing!