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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2023 > January > Tuesday 10
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I was contacted by Pamela Shull from the Oroville Chamber last week asking if I could mention the NW Ice Fishing Festival this weekend. Of course I can! Dave had my Dad and I fill in for him covering the festival nearly 10-years ago. This will be the 19th Annual NW Ice Fishing Festival, which takes place on Sidley Lake in Molson, just outside of Oroville. It all kicks off with the all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast at 7 o'clock in the Molson Grange. That's also where you register, which costs $30 for adults and $15 for kids. You'll be given an entry number, which also gets you in for raffle prize drawings. The prizes included $500 cash and $500 Country Store Gift Certificate for the adults. 2nd place is $300 and 3rd $200. You can learn more about the youth prizes on the chamber's website at Fishing goes from 8am to 3pm with prizes and lunch after at the Grange Hall. Word has it that they've been catching fish up from 15-to-18-inches so it could take a big limit to win. The people of Molson and Oroville are outstanding and you'll have fun. Until next time, Goof Fishing!