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Reports > 2023 > January > Monday 09
Monday, January 9, 2023
By Dave Graybill
I traveled to Grand Coulee Dam on Thursday, spent the night and fished Rufus Woods Friday morning. I wanted to leave early enough to get a spot on the bank at the middle net pens. Turns out there was no reason to hurry. I had the short beach area to myself, except for a brief visit by two other anglers. There was also some traffic at the boat launch. I could see Austin Moser with a boat load of clients, and their presence made my time fishing miserable. While I watched my two rods, checking baits occasionally, I could see Austin running with the net and people posing for photos. I only got one bite all morning, and it turned out to be a dink. Austin managed to get limits for all those on his boat. The fish ranged in size from 3or 4 pounds to 8 or 9 pounds. They got a couple on bait on the bottom, but most of the fish were taken on jigs or tubes. Austin fished Lake Roosevelt, out of Keller the day before. His group landed 31 rainbow and got one that was 24 inches. Everyone can have a bad day, and Friday was mine!