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Reports > 2021 > March > Wednesday 10
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
By Dave Graybill
I wanted to see what I was doing at this time last year, I was surprised to see that there was a big gap in the documents. Then I remembered why. As you may recall COOVID 19 had everything shut down. Golf was the first outdoor activity allowed, and soon after we were allowed to go fishing again. One day as I was returning home from the Post Office I found this banner my neighbor kids made for me. It read: “We Will Fish Again”. I mentioned that I was getting some great comments on the video I posted recently. I wanted to share one of them: “Dave I'm glad to see that you are making videos again, and I WANT and WILL continue to sing your praise. Two years ago my brother and myself met you at Chelan, you GENEROUSLY tossed me a Kokabow set-up. Y E S ! YES ! YES ! We slayed them, the Orange was the ticket that day. I know you sold Shane the SECRET Sauce, B U T... If you decide to start up a New Adventure, and your NEVER too OLD... Please consider the name of " Wenatchee Wizard " Tight Lines My Friend... ;-).”
Seeing this banner made by my neighbor kids really lifted my spirits.