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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > March > Friday 05
Friday, March 5, 2021
By Dave Graybill
I wanted to give you a few ideas about where to go for the coming weekend. First of all, don’t forget the Quincy Chamber will be handing out free goodie bags to kids under the age of 15 when they show up to fish at Burke Lake on Saturday. Volunteers will be at both access points on Burke. They have additional prizes for the kids, while they last, when they leave at 1 p.m. There is a photo contest, too, and if you send photos to the Chamber you could win a share of prizes worth $1,000.00. I ran into Kurt Middleton, who guides on Lake Chelan. He said he got two limits each day he fished there recently. The best action was above Green’s Landing. I was invited to join Dennis Beich on Billy Clapp Reservoir, but couldn’t go. He reported that the water is still very low, and you have to launch from the sandy beach. However, while trolling Raplas, he landed fish ranging in size from 12 to 18 inches. They should be filling the reservoirs in our region soon, and I would put Billy Clapp high on the list of places to fish when they do.
This is one of two mule deer does that were bedded down in my yard in Leavenworth one afternoon this week.