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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > March > Monday 22
Monday, March 22, 2021
By Dave Graybill
I am very encouraged by the action we have had on Potholes Reservoir so early in the season. My last two trips have been better than I anticipated and makes me think that when the water warms up a bit, it will be very good. I am also pleased to see the size of the fish we are getting. Last year I shot a short video with Shelby Ross, noted guide on Potholes. We got 10 walleye that day, and they were all good “eater” size. These fish are great, but this year I have landed fish over 20 inches already. We are fishing Lind Coulee on Potholes, which is where many anglers find fish in the early season. Potholes is usually the first reservoir to turn on. Then it’s a race between Moses Lake and Banks. Talking to fellow anglers that had been trying Moses Lake, there are some big fish being caught. I expect that Moses will produce fewer fish than Potholes, but more big ones. I should mention that the water is still very low on Moses Lake, making launching at the State Park difficult. Banks Lake should be very good this year, and the docks are in at Northrup.
The first fish we landed last Wednesday was this 22 ½-inch dandy in Lind Coulee.