r FishingMagician.com, I'm Eric Granstrom. While bouncing around nasty DNR and BLM roads last weekend looking for another spot to hunt deer, I realized something. This whole hunting thing for me is way more about being with my family than shooting something. THAT is just a bonus! I've known this for a long time, but it really came home to rest this weekend. My Dad is 76 and my brother has muscular dystrophy. So I'm basically the pack mule in case we get something and we're limited to pretty much road hunting. At first, I was grumbling under my breath because I wanted to be out among 'em. But as the conversations varied from one topic to the next and as old hunting stories were told, I realized I'm loving this because I don't know how many more of these we have left. Mom would usually take up her spot in the back seat on these trips and bob her head sleepily up and down. This was our first hunt without her familiar backwards whistle out the window at a doe. She's gone but her spirit was there. I can't wait for my next road hunt with my family. Until next time, Good Hunting!