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Reports > 2019 > April > Tuesday 30
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. One big indication of the level of enthusiasm for the opening weekend of fishing is the amount of traffic on our mountain passes. The Methow Valley is of particular concern about the Department of Transportation getting the North Cross highway open in time for the final weekend in April. And while the DOT got it open a week before, the forecast for the snow level coming down to 25-hundred feet may have deterred many from heading that direction. In fact, the weekend weather forecast of strong winds and cold temperatures may have thrown a cold blanket on the entire opening weekend. But for those who braved the weather there were smiles all around with nice, fat fish being taken. Unfortunately, the Department of Fish and Wildlife no longer includes the catch reports for lakes on it's newly-designed website. Seems the only creel counts that count anymore are salmon and saltwater fisheries. But I can say from taking a virtual tour of social media that anglers were successful throughout Eastern Washington. I saw some large Kokanee caught in Conconully; and tons of trout throughout. It will be even better this weekend with warmer temperatures and no wind. Until next time, Good Fishing!